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Beautiful Sunrise over a Silhouetted Horizon

Get to Know Us

The mission of the National Ministers Health Church is to: Teach and preach the virtues of good spiritual, physical, mental, educational, economic and social health. To provide, promote and implement community programs and services that assist and instruct individuals in ways of improving the daily functioning of every aspect of life. To develop and conduct projects that will enhance all of the abovementioned and foster the overall growth of the participating individuals and their respective communities at large.


Our focus is on helping people explore their inner strengths and to help others rise to their pinnacle using their God given gift of love


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Family in Church

National Ministers Health

Network Church

Your Place to Connect With God

At National Ministers Health Network Church, we know that inspiration opens hearts. An open heart is an open mind and an open mind is one that can practice tolerance, experience gratitude and feel the glory of God.


It is our belief that God is present in all of us, but His active presence can only be felt through faith in Him. We are dedicated to the service of God and all his people, and our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our dwelling and our services. We invite you to become a part of our growing congregation.

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Imagine Me - Kirk Franklin
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Come Love, Learn and Live Life More Abundantly

How it Works:



We at the National Ministers Health Network Church (NMHNC) realize the importance of our thoughts and words in shaping our realities. We are taught that GOD spoke and said: “let there be” and it was. Recognizing this process is key to our spiritual development. We think first, then we speak, then we act on what we think and speak on. This process yields all results and outcomes.


Some will have you believe that sometimes we speak without thinking or that we act without thinking. The truth is that nothing is said or acted upon without thought first.


There are times when we speak and act so quickly that we make statements such as: “I wasn’t even thinking I just reacted instinctively”. The truth is that in these situations, emotions are applied to the thoughts and actions. Emotions are forms of energies and when emotion is applied to your thoughts and actions the faster the results will be manifested, good or bad. An analogy is: the more gas you apply to your automobile’s engine the faster the car will run.


We all have had times when our plans have not turned out as we desired, and often we have blamed outside circumstances and events for our undesired outcomes. All results, both positive and negative can be traced back to some thoughts, words and actions that coincide with the manifested outcome.


We teach that one must take control of their thought process in order to produce the desired results in life.


We must understand the process of thinking, that is, how we think, what we think and what our thoughts do. It does not take much for us to think, our thoughts flow like water rushing down a mighty river. Month after month and year after year, our thoughts will carve a riverbed deep into our consciousness. And, just as the river carves a path in the direction of its flow, our thoughts carve out our life’s directions. Positive thoughts send our life in one direction and negative thoughts send our life in another direction. The Chicago River was once used as a waste dump; it flowed north, dumping its contents into Lake Michigan contaminating it, the primary source of our drinking water. The direction of the river did not serve us; therefore, the decision was made to redirect its flow from north to south.


We must redirect the flow of our thoughts; those thoughts that are not serving our needs and desires. We must change our thoughts from the negative to positive, from fear to faith, from hate to love, from revenge to reconciliation. The Apostle Paul wrote: “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). When we make the decision to redirect the flow of our thoughts from the negative to the positive we are transformed and our river will run deep into the Kingdom of Heaven. When we transform our thoughts we will also transform our lives.


Send it forth with wisdom and joy all the time, in all places, to all people all the time, as long as you ever can. That which you put forth will be returned to 100/1,000/10,000/100,000 times or more.


Creating wealth is an issue for many in today’s materialist word, however, it can be manifested in our lives in the same manner that all things are created that is, knowing and using the spiritual laws we teach while at the same time sending forth joy and wisdom to all who cross your path.


We can begin internalizing the following affirmation every day:


Know that prosperity is coming to you. I declare unexpected blessings are coming my way. I am moving forward from barely making it to having more than enough. God has opened up supernatural doors for me. God speaks to the right people for me on my behalf. I receive exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond favor and increase in my life: ‘And So It Is!’

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10809 S State St
Chicago, Cook County 60628


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